Venue details
The Railway Inn is Winchester’s only Music Venue. Its also the only really alternative pub, featuring comedy nights, poetry nights, regular film screenings and youth projects. We have two venues, plus a bar that’s open every day, and a large covered garden.
We have no music policy. If someone wants to come and see it, we’ll book it.
The Railway Inn was built in 1850 but it’s still not finished. In recent years, it has established a national reputation as one of the UK’s premier regional live music venues.
Platform 1
Platform 1 is our main 120 capacity venue. As early as 1970, Platform 1 started hosting bands of both global and local acclaim. Now, nearly 50 years later, it continues to accommodate some of the greatest talents from the UK and International scene.
Platform 2
Platform 2 is our 50 capacity venue located above our front bar. This space is suited to acoustic shows and private parties, as well as corporate and community events.
Platform 1
120 capacity standing
2x NEXO PS15
2x CVA 18″ subs
BSS Soundweb
5x CVA max15 (4 Channel mix)
1x Nexo DTDAMP4x1.3
Allen & Heath SQ6
12x PAR56 LED
12x PAR16 (configured as blinders on rear upright truss)
2x PAR56 LED uplighters under rear upright truss
3x 500w Fresnel stage facing
PC running Chamsys MagicQ
Chamsys Mini wing & touch interface
Width: 5.5m
Depth: 3m
Height: 0.3m
Clearance: 2.24m
Platform 2
50 capacity mixed seating/standing
1x NEXO IDS110
1x NEXO ID14 (fill)
2x NEXO DTD-I Controller
1x NEXO DTD-I Controller
Behringer X32
4x PAR56 LED
2x 500w Fresnel
5x PAR16 Down lights (House lights)
Various DMX controlled table lamps/fire place
8 Channel generic DMX controller
Both venues
4x Shure SM58
4x Shure SM57
2x Sennheiser e606
4x Sennheiser e604
1x Shure Beta52
1x AKG D112
1x Audio Technica ATM29HE
8x StudioSpares DI
1x Unbranded stereo DI
Selection of tall and short boom stands
Selection of 5m/10m XLR, various looms/drops etc
1x Tama Silverstar
22″x16″ Kick Drum
16″x16″ Floor Tom
12″x12″ Rack Tom
all hardware inc. 3x cymbal stands
1x Cajon
1x Ashdown Perfect 10 bass combo amp
1x Orange Crush 20 guitar amp (8″)
Various keyboard & guitar stands
Various other mics/DIs available with notice. Please email [email protected] well in advance of your show to confirm backline availability.
- Platform 2 is only suitable for acoustic acts and DJs due to strict noise control measures. No full drum kits will be permitted.
- Due to health and safety reasons only bottled drinks will be allowed on stage.
- The car park has ample space for any splitter/sleeper and is monitored by CCTV. There is a single 13 amp electric hook up.
- We are not responsible for any damage or theft to any vehicle/equipment brought onto the premises.
- The car park operates on a first come, first served basis. Please park sensibly and considerately.
- All equipment brought onto site by visiting acts should display a current PAT pass label and be safe for use. If the duty engineer for the night feels that a piece of electrical equipment is not safe for use, it will not be used at their discretion.
- All banners should have a fire rating certificate. No home made banners will be allowed.
- Bands/artists are NOT permitted to bring their own alcoholic drinks onto the premises.
- Any damage made to venue equipment by a band/artist or a member of their crew which is deemed intentional or avoidable will be charged to the artist or their representative on the night.
Load in
from car park through fire exit, 2 shallow steps up. Please note; fire exit only to be used for load in/out and is to be kept shut at all times, and not opened without venue permission. Absolutely no equipment/cases are to be stored in the fire exit area.
There are no storage facilities for this venue. Bands must load out directly after stage time and follow a strict air-lock system with the fire exit doors.
Dressing room
There are no dressing room facilities, however with notice and only for certain shows, the upstairs office can be made available. Access to this is only through the Platform 2 venue.